Love, health, joy, and abundance for 2025… and an invitation…
Dear friends, The year 2025 has begun! Resolutions have been made. And everything can still be determined. Let’s never forget that... [more]
A face-to-face with nature: Magic and lessons from a forest Being
By Frédérique Pichard Dear friends, Christmas is approaching quickly. I don’t know about you, but my heart always feels joyful... [more]
Sharing is Caring – An Advent Calendar Idea
Dear All, Sharingood is getting closer – the app that aims to connect the human family at a heart level.... [more]
The art of Loving
By Pierre Malotiaux, Le Murmure du Coeur Love, as I feel it in the depths of my being, surpasses any... [more]
The most important crowdfunding for the future of SWITZERLAND in harmony with LIFE has reached and overcome it’s goal !
The most important crowdfunding the future of a SWITZERLAND in harmony with LIFE has reached, and even already surpassed,... [more]
The competence center of the transition `Votre Cercle de Vie`needs all of us, now!
Dear friends, TODAY and until Monday at 2:05 PM, we have a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to advocate concretely FOR a positive... [more]
☀️ the crowdfunding ‘Votre Cercle de Vie’ in Château d’Oex, an exceptionnel project
Dear friends, It is with immense joy that I present to you an exceptional project that has been developing for... [more]
A very touchy whale encounter story
More and more people are becoming aware of how closely connected animals are to us, and how much they communicate... [more]
Thank you to you who are moving the world!
By Âme en joie Thank you to those who let themselves be governed by love, not fear, thank you to... [more]
With Heart, Hand, Head, and Belly into a Regenerative Future
By Reinventing Society The four levels of intelligence for the transformation into a regenerative culture: Heart, Hand, Head, Belly. On... [more]
Rainbow warriors
So beautiful, this text by Martin Luther King. The Indians said: “One day in the future, animals will begin to... [more]
Renaissance of Venice: Where the past meets the future
“We care, we dare, we share a peaceful and regenerative future, full of life” Hélène Molinari – Founder of Sumus... [more]
Consciousness and joy in times of crisis
What an intense moment we are experiencing. The world is shaking, We’re losing our stability. We’re losing our sense of... [more]
Enough talk, now it’s ‘time for action!’
Today, more than ever, we are ALL called upon to offer our unique talents and gifts to our Earth. We... [more]
Why darkness, you ask? The darkness, my love, it’s your shield and sanctuary
By Jeff Foster You hide away the fragments of yourself that terrify you, tucking them into the night’s embrace and... [more]
Our creative force is our most precious asset
Animals, plants, minerals… our lakes, mountains, the sea, but also our babies, children, and many people with disabilities, they present... [more]
Let`s roll out our sleeves, individually and collectively
Dear friends, It has been a while since we last communicated, but we keep moving forward! Always in mind that... [more]
Never forget why we came here
Dear friends, These are truly tumultuous times! When we focus on the “outside world”, it can sometimes feel like we’re... [more]
Harmony of Thinking, Feeling, and Acting: Our Inspiring Invitation
Dear friends, Let’s take a moment to savor these words of Rudolf Steiner, to visualize and strive for this goal:... [more]
Towards a spirituality of Service
My blog this month is an excerpt from my new book, The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment – A Guide to... [more]
The actualization of paradise on Earth is a co-creation
Let’s be aware of what’s going on, not sit back and think we’ll be saved, but act with awareness! That’s... [more]
Alle zum Humus Festival!
For our healthy soil, our children, our well-being, diversity, and all life. Dear all, You are all warmly invited to... [more]
Cultural oases – for the development of people, society and nature.
What exactly is a cultural oasis? Uwe Burka and his team have dealt extensively with this question and have come... [more]
The Karma Yoga of Blessing
Karma Yoga is a spiritual teaching found in the Bhagavad Gita, one of the holy scriptures of Hinduism. It recommends... [more]
July 23-26, Humus, our fertile soil, is calling us! Be there
Join us for our Humus Retreat, July 23-26. in honor of World Humus Restoration Day, July 23, 2023 Wonderful Souls,... [more]
Seeing the world through the eyes of children
By Priska Maria Broese: Three things have remained from paradise: the stars of the night, the flowers of the day,... [more]
I hope this photo reaches many people
This beautiful message was sent to us by someone named Andy from Arizona. “I hope this photo reaches many people.”... [more]
We are with you, Joschua, son of Aurelia Wasser… prayer circle
One day ago, Joschua, son of Aurelia Wasser, our ‘Creator’ of the Ambassadors of Light, suffered a serious car accident.... [more]
To live our calling, our abilities, our gifts and talents
We spent last weekend in the forest with many friends, including a therapist. We engaged in energy work and experienced... [more]
A society with fragmented attention
We live in a society where our attention is solicited to an extent never experienced before in human history. There... [more]
The art of constant wonderment
Par Pierre Pradervand Upon waking up, bless your day, for it is already overflowing with an abundance of blessings that... [more]
My kind of spirituality
By Cristen Rodgers Introduction by Pierre Close to forty years ago, Byron Katie, for me one of the leading figures... [more]
The Vision of Good: Making the Impossible Possible
Our Pentecost Congress in Zurich Dear all, Wow, what an amazing congress we had the opportunity to experience and organize... [more]
Guidance from the heart
By Christina von Dreien Dear friends, It is possible for you to have cut yourself off from the power of... [more]
the people of the new times
by Alexandra The people of the new times know that with the fall of the old world, with its old... [more]
Each person is a unique expression of humanity
By Mathias Forster The most essential prerequisite for peaceful coexistence is that we respect each other, considering each and every... [more]
The qualities of the new times
Do you feel it too? This great change that is in the air? Everything wants to come to light at... [more]
Us humans, we are SO important for our soils! the field concert
“Getting in touch with our soil – The field concert of 22nd July in Rengoldshausen Just imagine – We are... [more]
Blessing of Christ with Sacred Heart Activation by Mary Magdalene
Meditation and channeling by Anne-Marie Bataille for COCO’s group 24/03/2023 Take a moment to welcome our presences. Take 3 deep... [more]
Worldwide heartconnection and light activation, TODAY, 12.00, noon, local time
Words almost fail to describe what is happening right now with the light ambassadors. These columns of light that were... [more]
The light in service of life
What a beautiful ‘coincidence’ today, when I was pulling one scroll out of maybe 50, – from Anne-Marie, who channels... [more]
We span a grid of light around the world, with Aurelia Wasser
We have truly arrived at a great time. A time when people are revealing themselves in all their greatness and... [more]
On March 23, 2023 at noon, a wave of light and peace will be released
Once again, we are given a great opportunity to connect with our light, our sisters and brothers, and the fauna... [more]
Open your compassion, with Mother Teresa and Lynne Twist
I love this story so much, that Lynne Twist brought to us thanks to her encounter with Mother Teresa. It’s... [more]
Hand in hand towards a common and joyful future
Dear ones, Priska, Coco, Valeria and Bénédicte here with sunny greetings from our hearts. Sometimes life has different plans for... [more]
Healing wounds
By Christina von Dreien Dear Ones When we raise our vibration, it also creates a greater lightness in our lives.... [more]
Spirit-Led Action
Center for Action and Contemplation teacher Brian McLaren shares the power of ongoing discernment, allowing ourselves to be drawn into... [more]
A rare example of compassion
Recently I was invited to participate in an event on compassion on internet. One of the Jewish participants, a certain... [more]
Our responsability
By Christina von Dreien Dear friends, Only we ourselves can enter into our inner peace, our healing and our love.... [more]
7 years of common life with the deers. Geoffrey Delorme aka Mr. Deer
“For them to come to us, we must not want to see them”. “Depending on what we think, we give... [more]
The reflection of the mirror
The search for our true identity is a long journey that at times seems to fade into the opaque fog... [more]
Living between Two Worlds
If freedom has any meaning at all, its most vital meaning must be the freedom to think, the freedom to... [more]
We create our New Living Spaces
The changes that are currently taking place on our planet are much greater than we are aware of. From all... [more]
La puissance du vivant en action, avec Céline Basset
Du microbiote du sol au microbiote humain… Santé de la terre, Santé de l’humain. Dans cette ITW nous allons aborder... [more]
Simple, simple, simple …. and essential
It is a great platitude to say that the world is getting more and more complicated and complex. Take just... [more]
A simple shift in attitude can help us recognize the hidden potential for fulfillment in every event. There is no... [more]
IT works through us… and everything falls into place
Everything needs its time. Everything needs its process. An apple doesn’t just fall from the tree without blossoming first. A... [more]
La grande invitation de notre temps
Il ne peut plus en être autrement. Nous sommes tous invités aujourd’hui à entrer dans un état tout à fait... [more]
The great invitation of our time
There is no other way. We are all invited today to come into a completely new and for most of... [more]
Overcoming division
By Christina von Dreien Dear friends, There are many people who are already more awake – not just a few... [more]
How important is it to set bounderies?
How important is it to set boundaries? Dear friends Not everything that exists in this world is good for us.... [more]
The Medicine of Altruism
By The Dalai Lama on Wednesday November 14th, 2018 Can Compassion Cure All? In Tibet, we say that many illnesses... [more]
In the heart of tomorrow’s world. Zoom conference on Easter Sunday, 5pm-8pm, be there
What an incredible time we are living through. The whole ground seems to be shaking, nothing is certain anymore, everything... [more]
The Charter for Compassion
The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat... [more]
A bee-story
…My father has bees. Today I was at his house and he showed me all the honey he had taken... [more]
Understanding Oneness
Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet. Sometimes we look... [more]
The task of Evil is to promote the elevation of man
The Mystery of Evil: Doubt, Hate and Fear. Double and Superdouble … From Adriana Koulias, Shared by Rebecca Terniak Spiritual... [more]
Who is really running the show?
In this period of growing world distress and challenges, it is good to remember that maybe Someone/Something else is pulling... [more]
LIVING EARTH NOW! – Global Manifestation 22.2.2022 at 8:22 pm
Let`s unite at 20.22. Today, 22.2.2022, with this collective manifestation, in which we call the NEW LIVING EARTH into our... [more]
Spiritual Power in World Affairs
“As God* becomes a reality and we become consciously one with It, It guides every step of our experience. It... [more]
Listening to the Divine
On my site you will find a narrative of an amazing encounter in an airplane with the allness of... [more]
Blessing for the silent servants of good
All over the world, there are millions of people who serve in silence, who do good around them, who sow... [more]
Beyond our expectations… the Living Earth is Alive
Oh my God… you can’t imagine how grateful we are for this incredible result we achieved in only 30 days... [more]
Being free requires a certain amount of courage, by Alexandre Jollien
By Alexandre Jollien Being free requires a certain amount of courage: The courage to free oneself from a semblance of... [more]
Christinas Christmas message – and more
By Christina von Dreien Dear friends, Christ consciousness is a name for a state of consciousness of unconditional love. Even... [more]
The platform we’ve all been waiting for: Living Earth
For the highest good of all life. One day before Christmas, on the day we celebrate the birth of the... [more]
The light at the end of the tunnel
It comes closer and closer. With every minute and with every hour. Even if it doesn’t look like it on... [more]
The right moment
By Christina von Dreien Dear friends, Society always says how “things should be done”. But just be the way you... [more]
Plenitude is ours – now!
Reading one of my very favorite spiritual thinkers, Joel Goldsmith, an American mystic of the last century who founded a... [more]
You are absolutely unique!!!
Dear Beautiful People, This message was sent via Messenger – I am not sure who originally sent it, but am... [more]
The kingdom of God is (already) in the midst of you
When the disciples were alone with Jesus, they turned to him and asked, “Why were we not able to cast... [more]
You are love!
By Alejandro Jodorowsky “Their biggest mistake: they knew that the human collective was reaching a very high vibration, but they... [more]
The art of constant wonder
On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for... [more]
A Blessing For the Challenges of Climate Change
All round the world, populations are leaving their ancestral lands due to climate change, for instance various populations in the... [more]
The New Earth Manifesto is beiing enriched for the 2021/22 version
Dear ones From November 13th – 27th the New Earth Manifesto Dreamteam will meet in Mallorca with our Spain Ambassador... [more]
Rendez-vous with Tomorrow – my Crowdfunding Project
Welcome aboard my “Cocomobile”. For more than 18 months I will cross Europe to meet the most inspiring people, interview... [more]
People who are more conscious leave trails of light
Dear friends There are some situations that we’re not able to change immediately, even if we would like to. The... [more]
The Bread You Cast Upon the Waters Returns to You
Joel S. Goldsmith This very clear text of Joel Goldsmith reminds us of what could very well be the basic... [more]
Truth and virtue require courage, an open letter by cardiologist Jean Stevens
Open letter to the presidents of the councils of the Order and to all my fellow clinicians Marsac on 01/10/2021... [more]
Above all, do not harm. A professor speaks out
A letter from Professor Jean Gabriel Balique to French Senators and Deputies Ladies and Gentlemen Senators, Ladies and Gentlemen, Members... [more]
The only limits are those of our mind
Never could I have imagined the course of this nomadic life, never could I have imagined the challenges we crossed,... [more]
Meditation teacher Eckhart Tolle offers this insight: Silence is helpful, but you don’t need it in order to find stillness.... [more]
Contemplative walking
Christine Valters Paintner describes the ancient and accessible contemplative practice of walking or moving slowly through the natural world as... [more]
Open your hand for a heart connection – Let’s free our mind from all doubts
Euphoric to ride under a radiant sky and a soft heat, the girls are excited. I feel carried by a... [more]
Namaste: We are one another, we are one
by Philip Goldberg Below are a few excerpts from this article, which you can read in its entirety here. [more]
We cultivate life – the humus event. From 7-10 October in Leipzig (DE).
Dear ones, It has been a long time since you heard from us. But please know that we are constantly... [more]
Our universe has a meaning that is totally beyond us, but it has a meaning
So many people feel totally overwhelmed by the problem, and this at all levels. The ordinary citizen sees himself as... [more]
By flying together, they support each other. The message of the white geese
A strange sound reaches me. Shrill cries. Suddenly, I see them. Hundreds of white geese are cackling and squawking. In... [more]
It’s about finding again center!
The world has gone off the rails. We no longer know where the north is and have lost the south... [more]
It is in the disaster that life awakes, par Louis Fouché
By Louis Fouché “We can no longer be indignant behind our screens, lamenting behind our emails. We can no longer... [more]
On Silence – Jean Klein
Silence is our real nature. What we are fundamentally is only silence. Silence is free from beginning and end. It... [more]
Impact of RNA vaccines
By Robin Kaiser For a long time I have personally resisted taking a public stand on the vaccine issue. However,... [more]
Do good to you, by Christina von Dreien
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, We talk a lot about love. Love for other people, for animals, for the... [more]
What can we do together now for our earth ? The New Earth Manifesto
Our world as it was is over, and will not come back in this form. It is an illusion to... [more]
A story…
From Wedischer Rundblick (Telegram) Dear ones, I didn’t want to withhold this vision from you. If we wish and imagine... [more]
From the shadow to the Golden Age
No, not everything is won. We are really all asked today to participate in the resurrection of the new humanity,... [more]
Did you know…
Did you know know that the deer knows all the people who regularly go for walks in the forest? …... [more]
We are already 4800! And every day we are more…
The time has come. The new version of the NEW EARTH MANIFESTO has been born collectively. A ray of hope... [more]
Response letter for all those who are asked to be vaccinated
Here is a primordial letter that came to us from France, with the unknown author… Madam, Sir, I have received... [more]
Weaving our new Earth
I was very touched by this image, which means so much. It shows love, it shows the importance of each... [more]
The energy of the new earth.
Dolphins. For me, dolphins incarnate purity, love, playfulness and healing… It is said that they keep the frequency of earth... [more]
We are entering the Aquarius Age…
Christmas 2020 with this incredible constellation where Saturn and Jupiter join, same phenomenon that showed like the star of Bethlehem... [more]
The New Earth Manifesto – Invitation to co-creation until January 3rd 2021
Dear friends, it may start. The Winter Solstice 2020 of December 21 gave us the starting shot into the Aquarian... [more]
The manifest of the new earth
We invite YOU, to participate ACTIVELY in the shaping of a New Age/Era on our wonderful planet. Together we are creating... [more]
Wonder Live – The future is now
Dear friends, this is the big evening, the big night. From 8.00 pm to 8.00 am tomorrow morning, takes place... [more]
Let’s become the gardians of human beings… no to human GMO!
By Uwe Burka – Please spread everywhere Attention, the Covid vaccines are too short and not properly tested. They are... [more]
The choice is ours. To wake up, or to sleep on?
For quite some time I have been wondering how we can approach people who are not really ready to hear... [more]
There are souls…
There are souls who came specifically to assist the evolution and ascension of the Earth. There are souls who have... [more]
To becoming a redeemer – Rudolf Steiner
But man is called to lovingly penetrate everything that is on his planet, to take the planet with him and... [more]
Direct commitment is measurable. Join WONDER LIVE until 10th December!
Dear friends, In a time when we are torn back and forth by all the information, when we no longer... [more]
The only thing that matters is how much you love
These few sentences of Gregg Braden bring it to the point. Beautiful, and a great invitation to completely integrate. “In... [more]
Take each others hands…
What a great illustration of ‘in which world we’re heading’, if we don’t start to go against the current. By... [more]
Let’s plant the future together
This is totally awesome. In Germany, there is a team of young people, who start to rebuild the very fertile... [more]
Where do we start?
Text: in joyful cooperation with Catharina Roland We know that we can no longer live the way we live today.... [more]
Let’s give the children a voice – Wonder Live, an event of December 20, 2020
Parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles, teachers, school principals, clubs, foundations, organizations, imagine a night where the entire adult world... [more]
By Esther Mottier We are very pleased to share with you that our organisation, through our two organic shops (in... [more]
A nice message of the strength of the group
Three weeks ago on the market of Die, a young woman accompanied by her 3 or 4 year old daughter... [more]
Things are going to get strange, but in the end everything will turn out well
(Day seminary Christina von Dreien – Salzburg) Christina spoke in plainer language than she has used up until now about... [more]
LoveVirus Journey II, 22nd to 27th November in the Centro d’Ompio (Italie)
Ready for LoveVirus Journey II? From November 22nd to 27th at the Centro d’Ompio at Lake Orta in Italy, 1... [more]
Trust in this very moment. With Dr. Bruce Lipton.
It’s so easy to feel a little forlorn if we both passively watch and also buy into the current narratives... [more]
12 rules for being human handed down from ancient sanskrit
You will receive a body You will learn lessons There are no mistakes, only lessons A lesson will be repeated... [more]
Rescue of a dolphin
By Severe Frizzi : The famous Italian diver Enzo Maorca was diving in the warm sea of Syracuse, and talking... [more]
From darkness into light. How do we get out of this crisis? With Uwe Burka
Many of us are probably aware that we are currently experiencing an unprecedented crisis, in which our financial system has... [more]
The invisible path and the Samadhi Project, it’s now in Geneva!
Dearest friends, We can rejoice. Last night, I was one of the many spectators at the premiere of Sarah Marcuse’s... [more]
The questions we should ask ourselves…
Nothing will be the same tomorrow as it is today. But how do you prepare for tomorrow? Why don’t the... [more]
I am
I am not the separate identity of everything in the film of my projection. I am the being united to... [more]
I speak to you from the future. It’s the 27th August from the Year of grace 2055
And let’s never forget that we create our reality…. Enjoy reading. From Alexandre Keyland I have more than 85 springs,... [more]
Sabine Devlieger – to get on the move together
We have already spoken to each other several times on the phone, but to get to know her live and... [more]
Nothing can stop what’s happening right now to humanity
… we are waking up from the illusion of our lives… we are waking up to who we really and... [more]
The last word is not spoken.. a must watch documentary
This documentary is a must in order to understand where we have landed, why, who pull the strings.. for letting... [more]
Today, we are all invited to THINK and FEEL our new world
Dearest friends, today I write to you with all my vulnerability and understanding of the moment. Have you already heard... [more]
Visualize, organize, create, anchor, spread. The times of the lone wolf are over, today it’s all about getting together, co-creating,... [more]
From the intellectual concept to the concrete: The University of the Living
How do we live together? What’s essential? What skills and knowledge can we rely on? Today, it has become essential... [more]
The lovevirus minifestival: a week of pure happiness
You have to live it to believe it. Get over the cold, the incessant rain for two days, in the... [more]
In Château d’Oex, a new world is created
A couple, Esther and Nicolas Mottier, two children, Laurent and Alissia; experts, collaborators, volunteers; a new centre that will house... [more]
Swiss people do not let you do everything with them!
No to compulsory vaccination, no to Swiss Covid App, no to urgent emergency law. It seems the federal councillors are... [more]
A manuscript reveals that human beings possess supernatural powers…
Shared by Max Wakan The Church and the Vatican keep many secrets from the world, but there is one manuscript... [more]
LoveVirus Minifestival by Coco Tache, Château d’Oex, 2nd to 7th August 2020
A plunge into an ocean of kindness, understanding and joy… You’ll never see life as it was before! Love in... [more]
We are Moving into a New Phase of Civilization – The truth about ‘chaos’
By Dr. Bruce Lipton If you have watched the news lately, browsed the web, or even looked out the window,... [more]
The earth breathes, the animals show up… I feel calm
By Vincent Munier The forced pause that the pandemic is imposing on us gives me a deep sense of relief.... [more]
The big awakening is taking place – it’s not about Covid anymore.
How awesome is that what is happening at the moment on earth? What a huge gift has been given to... [more]
The 7 Steps of Evolution – A Story Taking Place in the East
A young woman approached a wise Master and asked him: “Master, I would like to know the path that awaits... [more]
Having courage – one of the greatest proofs of love for oneself
By Diane Gagnon Courage does not always manifest itself in heroic acts of great magnitude. Courage means having enough self-respect... [more]
It was all prepared!
They say that the dark forces cannot do things without exposing their plans. Well, if you watch the trailer of... [more]
This virus is telling us that it is time for Eagle and Condor, mind and heart, to soar together
The Eagle and Condor Prophecy and the Virus By John Perkins The Prophecy of the Eagle and Condor probably began... [more]
Truth always wins! A discussion with Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt
Did you know – That Bill Gates’ father was the co-founder of a group called New Genics, which aimed to... [more]
As if in apnea, some have stopped breathing the joy of life
Here in Quebec, the lockdown was strict. For months, it was forbidden to invite people into your home, but even... [more]
NOTICE TO THE POPULATION !!! : Epidemic of happiness, even more dangerous than the Corona Virus !
Olalalalaaaaaa… YES to all this, to create the world we all dream of… Author unknown xxx A global epidemic is... [more]
Truth can only be ‘experienced’, it can never be ‘told’. The documentary Out of shadows.
What is it? Why is it so important to me that we learn about what’s playing behind closed doors and... [more]
7 basic principles for good health
By Vincent Liengme / La Chaux-de-Fonds, ceresbio (Synthèse résumée de 30 années d’expérience et d’observation) 1 Supprimez les sodas et... [more]
Why tonight’s meditation will definitely be a success
1 million people are expected tonight at 4h45 (Swiss time) for a meditation to focus together on peace, abundance, health,... [more]
Through joy one offers resistance. Message from the Hopi Indians
Message from White Eagle, Hopi Indians, North American Tribe The moment that humanity is experiencing can be seen as a... [more]
5 % of awakened beings in order to realise the Golden Age on our planet
By Monique Mathieu: A Quota almost reached!You told us that when there would be a certain number of awakened beings,... [more]
Why this Covid-19 ? Let’s become gardiens of Mother Earth
Because! We need it so badly. It is there to make us think about our behaviour, our consumption, our relationships... [more]
Covid-19 : Game Over ?!
By Jean-Dominique Michel Such was the thunderous statement made on February 26 by the world’s top infectious disease specialist (according... [more]
A wonderful text from a person confined in Venice
“I’m writing to you from a city cut off from the world. We live here in a perfect solitude that... [more]
What an incredible time
Wowwowowow… who would have thought that we are going to live such an intense collective time in our lives? A... [more]
In these wild times, do things that fill you with joy
By Catharina Roland, Awake2Paradise “We have carried our garbage, our wars and our racism to every corner of the world.... [more]
Fear – by Khalil Gibran.
Wowowowowwww.. what a beautiful article… shared by Frank Zebre. It is said that before entering the sea a river trembles... [more]
Why left and right will never give the answer
Beautiful analysis of the left and right party. A nice game of entertainment. What we like is this sentence at... [more]
New insights and revelations. 5G, Australian fires, and more
This is crazy! 5G is crazy!… How can any people, even from the government, people working in this domain, accept... [more]
Three minutes of prayer for Australia tonight 9pm
Message from the Mata Amritanandamayi Math: Tonight at nine o’clock… we ask everyone to join hands for THREE MINUTES and... [more]
When will we wake up? From the shadow to the light
Ladies and Gents, no, the world is not exactly how we imagine it to be. It is incredible, beautiful, creative,... [more]
A mixture that does us no good… Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
Here is a video showing what the combination of fluorine, aluminum and glyphosate does to us in contact with radiation.... [more]
When the positive spiral ignites. The signs are good
The things that need to be done will be done. There’s no doubt about that. When you have to meet... [more]
It’s the D-Day – you have still time to book your tickets
Hello friends, It’s D-Day… For those who plan to register today for the 7sky Connection evening in Lausanne, we have... [more]
We are the change we wish to see in our world. The time to unite has come
Dearest Heart Connection Tribe, It is with great emotion that I address myself to you today, all of you... [more]
From 7pm, let’s pave the way for the 8th Connection, which promises to be transformative.
What a joy to be surrounded by such incredible beings! It is the talented Cesar Correa, a true piano virtuoso,... [more]
How to start a movement ?
This thing goes so well with the 10 % : 90 %. I’ve been aware of this video for such... [more]
Are You Part Of The 90 % Of Followers, Or The 10 % Of Changemakers ?
Dearest Friends, Fortunately, we know that it takes 10% to change the world… Even 1 to begin with, 1 person... [more]
The walk to the blue ball (excerpt from the book: Strategy of Peaceful Revolution, by Christoph Pfluger) Two beings are... [more]
Nuremberg Code 1947 – 1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential
The origin of the Nuremberg Code began in pre–World War II German politics, particularly during the 1930s and 1940s. The pre-war German... [more]
Why is radio frequency and 5G dangerous? Martin Pall’s 6 nightmares
Interview with Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences Washington State University During our meeting at the... [more]
Making Living Food a priority in our lives. For the sake of the planet.
This theme ! So present everywhere. And yet, such an open invitation to change our bad habits! When starting to... [more]
Do you know why people yell at each other when they are angry?
ANGER A Hindu sage who was visiting the Ganges to take a bath noticed a group of people screaming in... [more]
Stop 5G – Halleluja… It’s a miracle. We have been heard
There is great joy amongst the team of the frequencia, an environmental and consumer organisation, founded at Pentecost, which is committed to... [more] Connection VIII Lausanne Conference – dreaming & daring, 7th November 2019
We are predicted the 6th mass extinction, and we are never told about solutions to avoid disaster. Be there on... [more]
It’s all a question of frequency – frequencia is on! The Stop 5G National Event 21.9.2019 is on
This is it!!!! frequencia is on! The STOP 5G National Event n°2 21st September 4.30pm on the Bundesplatz in Bern... [more]
Against forced radiation and for a low-radiation world
STOP 5G National Demonstration No. 2 on the Bundesplatz in Bern 21st September 2019 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm Basel,... [more]
We don’t know the influence we have…
…Everything we think, say and do carries so much weight. That’s so much it, it can no longer be ignored.... [more]
We need to look at the truth of what’s going on in the world
It is time that we wake up. And waking up means looking at what we rather want to not be!... [more]
The Story of Dharma by Akiane Kramarik
“Nobody was supposed to see this painting”, by Akiane Kramarik “Dharma is the awareness of our moral duty and responsibilities... [more]
Many things are now coming to light, these are truly incredible times we are in
There are things in life we don’t really want to talk about. We rather keep it far away from us,... [more]
20th July 2019, the beginning of a new cycle
By Monique Mathieu from 29th June 2019 Can you tell us more about July 20? They tell me: “We will... [more]
Red Bull Illume is fully on. Submit your greatest action sports photography until 31st July
For the 5th time in 12 years, Red Bull Illume invites all the board- and actionsports photographers to present their... [more]
There would be no more wars, if us, the humans…
– would remind us of our divinity. If we came together as brothers and sisters of the world, respecting all... [more]
Historical moment: Austrian lawmakers vote to ban weed killer glyphosate
By Nina Avramova, CNN (CNN) Austrian lawmakers have voted to ban all uses of glyphosate – an ingredient in many weed killers... [more]
Ladies and Gents, this can be your ticket to a week of pure well being, of discovering of yourself, of... [more]
NomadShala – back to the source, an answer to many of our actual questions…
Imagine arriving in a space surrounded by fresh green grass, trees, hills, mountains… You take your shoes off and feel... [more]
There is an infinite power in us against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance…
I’ve been thinking about that much, lately… How comes that there are so many forces put into keeping our energy... [more]
Singing with whales – Oh my God, how much magic can we possibly experience?
If they want to connect with us, they do it… What a beautiful witness of Chip Richards and his whale... [more]
Building Tolerance and Empathy through Music
By: Amy Camie How Music Reflects Life Musicians create music that reflects life from their perspective. As listeners, we develop... [more]
What is this love that is responsable for the healing? – Léonard Laskow
When the doctor, physicien, gynocologiste Léonard Laskow started to do healing work, he had a deep revelation: That his work... [more]
A huge huge thank you for the Connection VII ‘together now’
Sometimes, there are almost no words to express the gratitude we can feel inside of us for moments of connection.... [more]
Technology in the service of humans or the other way round?
At these times, many truly hard videos are going to come out, offering us frightening future visions of where we... [more]
The strength of one human being: Somaly Mam
All over the world, men and women are struggling every day to provide a better life for girls and boys... [more]
STOP 5G National Event in 10th May, and we can’t say anymore that we didnt know
The 5G topic has become HUGE ! Yesterday in Bern, a press conference concerning the Stop 5G National Event was... [more]
Let’s Open up to the high-frequency beings
I love it, I am convinced that all this exists and that it is essential that we give them our... [more]
Notre Dame de Paris – the why
Since it happened, I was hoping to find a plausible answer to the fire of Notre Dame de Paris. Yesterday,... [more]
Meetup in Zermatt – Antifragility by PuraWorka
Juhuuuu, time is for encounters and inspiration. Time is for people who make things happen, who know nothing will change... [more]
What is our role?
Today, I’m truly truly sad. In Zurich, where I grew up, the birds have disappeared from the trees, are not... [more]
Anna Breytenbach communicates with great white sharks
What a relieving 15 minutes… In a time in which we get more and more aware that all the animals... [more]
We are not alone in these times. The invisible world is helping us
Again, this text might sound strange for many of you. But if there are dark forces, there must be light... [more]
Sarah Wu’s beautiful holistic approach to life, by Thatja Andrade
This lady is totally stunning! Just today, my dear friend Simon Hofmann sent me this video of Sarah, interviewed by... [more]
Which God do you follow? And the social and unsocial cell-example…
There is a real, and there is a wrong God. It’s easy to understand. People following the real God follow... [more]
Last prophetie of Peter Deunov concerning the future – a stunning will written in 1944
I think we have reached exactly that point that Peter Deunov prophesied just briefly before his departure. But read for... [more]
15th March 2019 is a big day for Mother Earth. Change is coming. We are the change, us, the people
The change is coming. We are the change. Us, the people. Greta Thunberg came, saw, acted, and is about to... [more]
Thursday 23 May 2019, Connection VII Lausanne, ‘together, now’
We have no more time to waste! It is now that we are invited to come together in order to... [more]
From women to men – With love and respect
It’s not about being a woman or a man. Wherever there is pain, it is both ways. It’s about finding... [more]
New Study Shows What Happens To Adults & Children When They Switch To Organic Produce
Arjun Walia IN BRIEF The Facts:A recent study published in the journal Environmental Research examined four families who eat conventional... [more]
What’s going on in our world? Ladies and gents, we need to wake up!
Isn’t it crazy, how much unconsciousness still reigns in our world about who we are? How come, that we can... [more]
From fear to faith – my Journey to the Zermatt Summit – Christopher Wassermann
We’re super proud to start a collaboration with the incredible Zermatt Summit; this yearly event, uniting under one roof some... [more]
Our whole society needs to be totally reinvented – A reflection
Crazy, how things build up. Beautiful actually, natural. This morning I had this great reflection about us being children. We... [more]
Julie Ann – Our mental reacts to fear and our hearts act from love
This woman is truly an incredible inspiration. Explaining through her own example how all this what we live here on... [more]
Understanding as our ‘identity’ who we really are
Again a 21st… Two month after our last sharing about Christina’s von Dreiens Peace Project, we’d like to share another... [more]
Everything is already accomplished – the time to understand who we really are has arrived
Wowwowwowwow, the great awakening is taking place RIGHT now ! We’ve called for it, we’ve dreamt of it, we were wishing... [more]
The game of the “I”… Duality is only a story that plays in the heart of the unity
When you search for something, you find it. In fact, you dont’ even need to search, the solutions come to... [more]
24 good news for our planet in 2018 – by Brut.
When we hear everything that is wrong on our planet, it really feels good to watch a video that shows... [more]
All related by Nessi Gomes – this song is soooo beautiful…
Just wanted to share this so beautiful song with you, inside out… Wakan Tanka Gran Espirito Agradeço Pachamama Wakan tanka... [more]
There is only one planet. Let all our youngsters become young & junior explorers
We have lost the sense of reality, we have lost the connection to nature, we have lost our natural way... [more]
Sikkim in India: The first 100% organic state in the world
No, we don’t have to reinvent EVERYTHING… beautiful solutions already exist all over the world. Strangely enough, also in places... [more]
Let’s be an example! Being an example is a job. Mike Horn
It is truly an incredible pleasure to attend Mike Horn’s Lectures, every sentence he says is an answer to our... [more]
Peyo, horse of the heart, the happiness of patients in the hospitals
I am simply in LOVE with this Peyo, as are undoubtedly those more than 30 million people who have already... [more]
The lesson of the Redwoods – Our true strength is our willingness to care and support each other
A wonderful story about giving and receiving. There are trees called Sequoia and Red Woods, they are found in California.... [more]
What if humanity could find a way to ‘sing one song’ together?
The video came out 3 years ago, that we’ve already posted, but it’s a beautiful rememberance, and as well, there... [more]
Guillaume Néry danses with the sperm whales: One breath around the world
A moment of pure bliss with Guillaume Néry. How incredible must it be to move underwater as World Champion of... [more]
Everything is a gift… my best wishes for 2019 – with Frédéric Lenoir
I just fell under the spell of these magnificent wishes from Frédéric Lenoir which just reflect so well what I’d... [more]
We are Peace – Christina von Dreien’s incredible Peace Project, about to conquer the world
We are just SO in love with this 17 old girl Christina von Dreien ! She just just published this incredible... [more]
Things about Trump that we don’t know… as for exemple, he plans to pull all U.S. troops out of Syria
How much hatred do we hear talking about Trump? But what do we really know about him? What I know, is... [more]
Bohemian Rhapsody, the story of Queen. An extraordinary movie
Bohemian Rhapsody is a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury. Freddie defied stereotypes... [more] Connection VI – by being love, only beauty can be created…
Dearest dearest all of you, present at the Connection VI in Lausanne the 13th November… we all together made... [more]
Des images pour le dire… for the love of all these beautiful organisations out there
There are so many incredible foundations and people on this earth, longing for healing of our world, giving their hearts... [more]
Ally, tell us, what is your life? Why do you do what you do? How did this all start? I begin... [more]
The Tale of the Dolphins and the Medusa by Ervin Laszlo A few weeks ago in the famous cathedral city... [more]
At the dawn of a new world… it is today….
We all have our part to play and we are not alone! The incredible speakers of the Connection VI,... [more]
New Moon In Scorpio: Deep Growth & Constructive Change
Par Carmen Di Luccio / Collective Evolution We are having a New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th at 4:02 pm Universal... [more]
We can change the world one heart and one mind at a time. Roger McGowen
He is astonishing.. Roger McGowen is an innocent Black American who has spent 20 years on Texas Death Row in... [more]
In the skin of the animals – Laila del Monte
Magnificent, extraordinary, pure delight… to look at absolutely if you have an hour to give to pure inspiration. It’s really... [more]
Voix Libres at the Connection VI Lausanne. “The real crisis is not economic and social, but a crisis of love.”
Her voice is strong and transformative. Marianne Sébastien, the woman who received 2017 the International Human Rights Prize is going... [more]
We who are awake are creating the changes the world has been longing for
Brought to us by Pierre Pradervand Dear Friends. We observe that many of you have become concerned, confused, and even... [more]
How to overcome pain with the power of the mind, with Louis Derungs
In late 2013, Louis was hit with 15,000 volts as he was walking on a stormy and rainy night along... [more]
Our true Mission…
By Ishtar. So beautiful, so true… When we believe our ‘mission’ is more important than finding the peace and light... [more]
To bless all without discrimination of any sort is the ultimate form of giving
From our excellent Pierre Pradervand – a flashback on our Connection V in Lausanne, 1st June 2018. On awaking,... [more]
I have the honour to share with you an exceptional story, which is the point on the i side of... [more] Connection VI Lausanne, A l’aube d’un nouveau monde, our speakers
4 conferences, 4 speakers, 4 highlights Times are changing at a frantic pace. Hidden truths are coming to light and... [more]
From Injury to Forgiveness – A true story
What an incredible text brought to us by Pierre Pradervand regarding Forgiveness. Olalalalalaaaaa… gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. A text from Meena... [more]
Mowgli exists really and nature talks to us. Dialogues avec l’Animal, 6th-7th Octobre in Paris
Who on our planet will not be able to fall in love with this young girl Tippi, who grew up... [more]
Be the voice for Mother Earth, Say yes to Rights of Nature
By chance, I came into contact with an indigenous New Zealand woman who told me that a river flew through... [more]
Save the Date, Connection VI Lausanne, 13th November 2018
Times change at high speed. More and more evidence and new technologies are on the horizon telling us that we... [more]
Illuminati Pedophilia: What Is The Role Of The Awakening Community?
With each day that passes, we are becoming more aware what happens out there. Child abuse, child trafficking and all... [more]
Love is… “that, which is infinitely present in the universe”. Christina von Dreien
She inspires us incredibly, Christina von Dreien! The 17-year-old girl, who really made her coming out to her mother Bernadette... [more]
Alaia made its bet. In 2020, Sion will be the surf mecca in Switzerland
Olalalalaaaa, what extraordinary news! What tens, hundreds of people in Switzerland have wished to achieve before them, they have done... [more]
The gentle art of blessing, by Pierre Pradervand at our 5th Connection Lausanne
Thanks to the 400 people who were there on Friday 1st June at the Connection Lausanne to share a... [more]
About Shapeshift, Sacred Plants, Jaguars, Kogis and Higher Consciousness by John Perkins
This man has totally helped us understand more about why our world is not turning in the way most of... [more]
Discover Earth – Social media specialist, helping clients imagine, build and launch new digital marketing
I’m Robin Finger, avid travel photographer with a community of 3.7 Million of followers on Social Media. I’m also the... [more]
Blessing as a Form of Service, by Pierre Pradervand, 2nd speaker of the Connection V Lausanne.
Author of The Gentle Art of Blessing and 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World By Pierre Pradervand. “Is... [more]
These interconnected pathways
How passionate is life? How many people do we cross, with how many people do we go interact, how many... [more] Connection V Lausanne 1st June in the Casino de Montbenon. “Tomorrow is today”
We all have our part to play, and it is now. Because the world is changing. And because the one... [more]
Okay okay are you ready for the big step? The time is now
Are you ready to leave the old system of believe behind you, to open your heart to the new world... [more]
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence from 2nd October 2019 to 8th March 2020 is in full preparation
What an incredible gift our new beautiful friend Isabelle Alexandrine offered us in presenting us to the leader of the... [more]
It really is up to us to create paradise on earth
Let’s make some noise, because there is an incredible life waiting for all of us What, if money wasn’t an... [more] Connection V Lausanne – 1st June, « Demain c’est aujourd’hui »
4 lectures, 4 speakers, 4 highlights Friday, 1st June in the ‘Salle Paderewski’ at the Casino de Montbenon in Lausanne.... [more]
The Full Money initiative has taken off, but major medias are not talking about it
April 1st, about twenty bank windows were have been washed by the supporters of the Initiative Full Money. But how... [more]
YES for the initiative of full money! Imagine there will be no more debts!
Dear Representatives of the Press in Switzerland, I would like to send you this invitation for the contradictory conference-debates of... [more]
Love is the key. Dieter Broers & Take Air, this 13th April in Zürich and Lausanne
No, we mostly can’t just BE happy, free, detached… In general, life asks us to overcome hard times in order... [more]
UBUNTU – I am who I am, because of who we all are
Please ead this, as written by the UBUNTU creator Michael Tellinger… talking to all of us, to all what’s happening... [more]
Flashdance – the Final dance. The beauty of Passion
This is an invitation to just offer you these 5 minutes of pure love, beauty and passion. A scene of... [more]
All the women on our Earth are now invited to connect with the energy of Isis
This clip – Enya, shows the hidden heart in 432 Hertz. It is also a hymn to the Divine Mother,... [more]
We are born in order to realize our dreams
So true… How many times do we not give ourselves the permission to follow our dreams? In this shortfilm, Max... [more]
Nobody is born a warrior. And if not us, who ?
We choose to be one when we refuse to stay seated. We choose to be one when we refuse to... [more]
We need to save the world. We need to be conscious what’s going on
This morning we got a message from Benki Piyako, this incredible beautiful, strong leader from the Ashaninka Tribe in the... [more]
Benki threatened with prison. Thank you for signing and sharing the petition for a better world
Benki: “This is my sentence and it is very sad to see a country in this situation where we ask... [more]
We are so many!!! And why we shouldn’t give electronical devices to children
So many truths come out lately, telling us what’s going on out there, and how much we have been manipulated…... [more]
Today is an incredible day. Let’s make it happen…
One of these days you feel your energy just flowing, full of love, radiant. And you feel that each encounter... [more]
Whatever challenge comes on our pathway, just keep moving
We just heard this beautiful story brought to us by the spiritual leader Gaur Gopal Das. It’s story of a... [more]
What the Health.. An absolut must watch movie and why is our society so sick
Oh my God, not sure if you want to watch this video. It is a huge brainwasher with a certain... [more]
“We need to protect our home – Our challenge really is against stupidity.” Dr. Vandana Shiva
Beautiful Vandana Shiva. She is cash, saying what really is, not taking any leaves in front of her mouth. And... [more]
It’s time to wake up! The world is not only how we think it is!
Whether we are freedom-fighter or newspaper readers, we do have one thing in common. We are controlled, until we wake... [more]
We are not alone, extra-terrestrieals exist, and what they want us to believe
Do you believe in extra-terrestrials? Well I do. It hasn’t always been like that, but too many dots came together... [more]
Heal – Every organ in the human body has the ability to heal itself under the right conditions
A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that by changing one’s perceptions,... [more]
Au cœur des temps – When Mother Earth encourages us to act, 9th to 17th May 2018, Leysin (CH)
There are amongst us beings who put their gifts and talents at the disposal of the living. Humans who have... [more]
Zimbabwean genius inventor makes cars and and other prototypes running from radio frequencies
By Siyabonga Bryan Xaba Zimbabwean genius inventor makes cars and and other prototypes running from radio frequencies: No one is telling... [more]
Venezuela becomes the first country to launch its own Cryptomonnaie
Sacred cryptocurrency, everyone speaks about it, many invest and expect new wealth. But according to some sources, reliable for me,... [more]
The Riverbend School in India teaches happiness
In 2020, the Reverbend School is going to open it’s doors in India. A school adapted to the todays students... [more]
The Barefoot College: How self-confidence and collaboration can change lives!
In Rajasthan, India, an extraordinary school teaches rural women and men of over 70 countries — many of them illiterate... [more]
People – it’s all about us! By Valia, The Orphan Pet
“When we see ourselves reflected in their eyes, we see the most beautiful people on earth.” She rescues dogs, but... [more]
We all play a role in our world!
Never ever before, we have so much come to an end of the old and an invitation to enter the... [more]
The Eagle and the Condor Prophecy – The eagle needs to see, the condor to rise
By Ryan Andersen The Eagle and the Condor is an ancient Amazon prophecy that speaks of human societies splitting into... [more]
When 500 dollars can be worth much more than 50’000.
It seems to me that like never before, we are asked to rethink our relationship to money. Lynne Twist is... [more]
Manifest your Goodness. A message for 2018 by Karta Singh.
I just love what he says:).. By the way, he is my Kundalini Yoga teacher. I’ve done the two year... [more]
Take your shoes off, if you want to be healthy. The Science of Grounding.
End of 2017, a very interesting video came out that hit the consciousness of many humans. And what if our... [more]
Never loose faith, it’s getting better and better. And WE matter!
This amazing video, an extract of Fantasia 2000 just came to us. This is what we are and what we... [more]
Love is the new universal language. It’ now!
How do you feel when you are in love? And what does it do to you if you feel that... [more]
“Our real us is not our physical body” Anita Moorjani
We are the creators of our reality. And therefore so much more than we think we are. It takes a... [more]
The time has come to remember who we are. Christina von Dreien in Bern
For the second time I was able to be in the presence of Christina. This time in Bern. Again in... [more]
The Wild Born Project – natural childbirthing amongst tribal women.
The purpose of the Wild Born project is to explore the socio-cultural, ecological and economical aspects which embroider the traditions and... [more]
Inviting the new consciousness into our lives – The time is now.
In order to save the world, we need to change the dream we are living in. The dream of over-consumption, egoistic-behaviour,... [more]
The boy who can see withouth eyes
Many years ago, this story came to me. Today, I know that the boy has died from cancer, but what... [more]
WILD BORN – Women at the end of the land
This article just transcended us! Look at the courage of these women, living day and night at -50°, keeping the... [more]
Instructions for increasing frequency, by Christina von Dreien
During the evening in Wattwil, Christina was asked how we can learn to see auras for example. She replied that... [more]
The Kogis, the guardians of the mother earth at the service of the planet.
We did not know them until our meeting in Brasilia, where a group of 40 leaders of the first people... [more]
Christina Meier von Dreien – a 16-year old girl in service of Peace and Light
Rarely has a book touched us as deeply as the one written by Christina’s mother Bernadette, “Christina, twins born as... [more]
Benki Piyako – Ashaninka – Awakener of the consciousness, serving mother earth.
How inspiring it is to meet people who act body and soul to bring a new consciousness to our world.... [more]
What do we need to do? An extract from Christina von Dreien’s lecture in Wattwil/ St. Gallen, Switzerland
Today was a special day. A long-awaited day, and a gift. For the first time I was able to be... [more]
Sleeping at last – Saturn
The same day, through two wonderful, this music-video came to me. Just beautiful!.. the words, the song, the pictures going... [more]
The choices we make may influence the future of life for the next 1000 years.
Lynne Twist. A woman full of beauty, inspiration and wisdom. After having worked for 20 years in the humanitarian era,... [more]
A promise to the Amazon, by Irene Shamma
“The mind always has to options : yes or no. The heart has only one : YES”. Irene Shamma What a beautifully... [more]
In order to save the world, we need to change the dream we’re living in.
An incredibly meaning- and beautiful TED Talk by the Pachamama founder Lynne Twist. Loving it deeply! Specially and on top... [more] Connection IV Lausanne | 18h30 D! Club | 15th November 2017
How often do we get trapped in our daily lives? Focusing our attention to things that do not really enhance... [more]
The Power of Love in Business. OPALINE in ACTION.
This company, and its founders, make our heart melt. By reading this article by Sofia de Meyer, you’ll immediately understand... [more]
Tentree has planted 16’024’150 trees up to date. 10 trees for every item sold! A company of the future!
Since ever we’re interested in companies which produce more environmental friendly. And if on top of that, they support a... [more]
Conscious acting. “Consciousness awakens out of its dream of forms” by Eckhart Tolle.
These words came to me while I was attending the great gathering of the Alliance of the Gardiens and Children... [more]
Always believe in yourself, and if you want something go for it! DJ Martin Garrix
Martin Garrix masters the dance floors with his musical skills. No one remains untouched once he unleashes his energy on all... [more]
Good hotel London – Premium Hospitality with a Cause
Ever heard about a floating hotel combining business with doing good and quality ? People helping people ? An existing ‘structure’ of... [more]
The Colour in a black and white world: The life of le maître Original
Nicolas Bamert alias The Original Artist Since 2007 the Original enchants his public with his joyful art and his colours.... [more]
Overflowing Mike Horn after his 5’100 km crossing of the Antarctica by foot and kite
I don’t know what came over me while watching his inspiring conference, the explorer and his daughters Jessica and Annika... [more]
Follow The Voice of your Heart.
… because it has known the truth since ever. Years ago this phrase came to me and it made me... [more]
“He was once a huge male polar bear and now he is a bag of bones” Paul Nicklen
Text: Paul Nicklen We did not want to get too close to him. I did not want him using his... [more]
Sea Legacy creates powerful media to change the narrative around our world’s oceans.
Text: Sea Legacy We are a collective of some of the most experienced and renowned photographers, filmmakers and storytellers working... [more]
The André Agassi Foundation transforms the school’system’
built on: “Each of us – parents, advocates, educators and legislators – has a responsibility to help children fulfill their... [more]
The little Soul and the Sun by Neale Donald Walsh – The beauty and importance of forgiving
This text has very much touched me years ago, when my whole being longed so much for understanding of a... [more]
How everything in this world is reigned by the sacred geometry: Nature by Numbers
Most of the cultures before us knew it. Worked with it. Let their lives be influenced by it. So how... [more]
David Cachon, mountain biking on the Great Wall of China
Text & riding: David Cachon The Great Wall of China is 1000 times longer than any monument ever created. It... [more]
The Discover Earth Instagram account is back! And when a big difficulty becomes a great opportunity.
This truth, our friend, Robin Finger (23 years), precursor and great connoisseur of Instagram, experienced it well. Robin, a 23... [more]
Let’s be actors of change, together !
The G21 – Switzerland moves in the economic and ecological transition Proof is the seventh consecutive G21, the Swisstainability Forum,... [more] Connection Lausanne, ‘FREE’ 30th June 2017 – Save the Date
Here we go again… We are very much looking forward to meeting you on the evening of 30th June in... [more]
The glow that makes her face shine like the sun
Text: Wendy van Amerongen / Strangers without borders How trained masons changed her live… It is a hot and dusty... [more]
All these animals and these wonderful beings saving their lives.
I just got totally absorbed by these tons of stories we can find on internet, showing how animals get rescued... [more]
A plastic Ocean – the change starts within us
Oh how much we’re connected to the sea. How much do we need this substance offering us life that relies... [more]
Baptiste Delalay – “when I feel love, I feel my legs”
He has become an extraordinary friend. Baptiste Delalay. An incredible inspiration. He has had his motorcycle accident five years ago.... [more]
no other being can create pain in our hearts for us. Only we can create the emotion that flow through
Loving this. From Ishtar… Lately, I’m very much in the questionning of self-responsibility. I understand that everything that emanates in... [more]
Alyna Rouelle
Wonderful Being she is, this Alyna Rouelle, pranic since two years, which means that she only nourishes herself through light.... [more]
The loss of a baby – words of love and encouragement
I asked them if I could publish the incredible letter that Céline and Xavier Pasche sent me after losing their... [more]
Recognize yourself and you’ll be recognized
Tons of love go your way today, wishing you a wonderful Easter time going so well along with this beautiful... [more]
Expecting the best in people brings out the best in people… Video by Wayseers
Speech by Garret John LoPorto Words: “You may not like how things are going. You may not agree with those... [more]
Bars & Melody at the Dance in Zurich, 20th May 2017
They really let your hearts melt ! Bars & Melody alias Leandre Devries and Charlie Lenehan… met via facebook and got... [more]
Louis Derungs
When suddenly plenty of people around you start to talk with you about a very inspiring soul, you start to... [more]
How whales change climate
What a fascinating video, reminding us greatly about How Wolves change rivers! If we only knew, how perfectly in place... [more]
Discoverearth Account hacked and the invitation to learn out of difficult situations
Our beautiful friend Robin Finger, founder of the amazing naturepage Discoverearth, just found his instagram page hacked two days ago!... [more]
Do you believe in more by Nike
Pretty inspiring Nike spot and extremely creative, which pleases us specially as we know, that Nike goes behind all this... [more]
Make love not walls by Diesel
Text: Diesel Diesel breaks down all barriers in communication platform MAKE LOVE NOT WALLS directed by David LaChapelle Through photographic... [more]
Worlds Apart
3 generations, three love stories. Playing in Greece of today! And yet, each person in its personal story, worlds apart... [more]
Martin Seiler alias Seili left us forever
What a sad news hit the snowboarding community another time. Martin Seiler alias Seili was found dead in an avalanche,... [more]
Seili: about travels, the climate, mountain cabins without electricity and his passion
(Interview, published in 7sky Magazine November 2011) WHO IS SEILI, THIS CHARACTER THAT IS SLOWLY, BUT SURELY, OBTAINING AN IMPRESSIVE CATALOGUE... [more]
La La Land
Text: Damien The last time, I felt like this, in a cinema, I was six years old and I was... [more]
Tolisart: Spiritual India, a video
I love these moments, when, through beautiful guiding, you’re brought to a place of pure inspiration ! is such a... [more]
Sudden Rush Banked Slalom Laax 3rd-5th March
If you are a rider and if you want to live an exceptionnal moment in the presence of beautiful people,... [more]
Google in Search 2016, It’s all about love !
Ladies and Gents, please check out the most visited articles and videos on Google during the year 2016 !… And the... [more]
Shining Grace Vanderwaal
With her tender 12 years of age, the singer songwriter Grace Vanderwaal has conquered the world with her ukulele. Not... [more]
What determines the future of humanity? We do!
What determines the future of humanity? We do! We know from quantum physics that a world independent from our own... [more]
Euforia is an independent NGO -Non-Governmental Organization- which offers young people and experienced managers the tools, the mindset and the... [more]
Environmental Media Awards – Shailene Woodley
The world is shaking and the world is uniting. May we join our hands and our hearts in the name... [more]
Anna Linda, I love you forever…
She was a light worker, a spokesperson, a scientist, a dancer, Aikido martial art black belt, a therapist, an artist,... [more]
Working to protect the living – by Vincent Munier
One day, just before Christmas in 2015, my husband came home with a book under his arms, called Arctic.. it... [more]
Why not miss the Connection from 28th November in Zurich?
Because on that evening in the Kaufleuten will be told, what’s life really about, and YOU’RE MOST WELCOMED TO JOIN!... [more]
Barbara Steudler
Veni, vidi, vici… Barbara Steudler is a total SHE woman ! She not only runs a family with 4 kids,... [more]
Fabrice Leclerc
He grew up in the countryside in France. The animal kingdom has always been his greatest friend. No wonder, that... [more]
NiceFuture rocks!
We’ve known Barbara and the NiceFuture Movement only this real really, but oh wow, this woman, her team, and NiceFuture... [more]
Le jour où j’ai trouvé le bonheur de trouver tous les jours les cadeaux de la vie.
Humans of Laurence Schneider I have found the greatest gift of life, it might be difficult to hear what... [more]
Honesty je t’aime – l’union fait la force
The name says it all. When we are honest with ourselves, we are honest toward others, toward nature. We are... [more]
From communication to unity
Humans of Honesty: Patrick Buet, Coach and Consultant Communication is a verbal exchange process especially made to answer questions. The... [more]
Edito ‘Zero Field’, Nr. 97
Dearest readers, Ladies & Gentlemen, are you ready to enter new territories? Are you ready to leave many thoughts behind... [more] Connection ‘Zero Field’ au Kaufleuten Zurich, le 28 novembre 16
Here we go, the program is done, the date confirmed, the big moment has come ! The Connection ‘Zero Field’... [more]
How much have you loved? what have you done for the others?
A great question… Specially when we know that it comes from a lady, Nicole Dron, who has lived a near... [more]
Kaufleuten Zurich shining
On Sunday 28th of August, The 100 year old Kaufleuten in Zurich, active for 25 years for party, culture and... [more]
Can wolves and humans co-exist ? “Let disappear pastoralism and shoot the wolf is the same, that is to say, to... [more]
When I started to open up to people and to life
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Federico Modica, photographer Young, I was very introverted and influenceable. I did my school, and... [more]
My first time at the Winter Xgames
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Louie Vito, pro snowboarder, Red Bull Illume athlete A story that really impacted me, that... [more]
The freedom to be the photographers we want to be
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Dean Treml, photographer I met my wife at the Australien Open. She’s a Swiss Italian... [more]
Bicycle messenger: My ticket to the world
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Nico Deportago-Cabrera, Bicycle Messenger, Red Bull Athlete When I was young, I was really reckless.... [more]
Something people can rely on
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Ben Moon, photographer, filmer, writer I’ve been shooting for 16 years, but what has impacted... [more]
How do you choose to play your cards?
Humans of Red Bull Illume : Ken Etzel, photographer and filmer Choosing how you live your life is a difficult and... [more]
I can figure it out
Humans of Red Bull Illume – Jody MacDonald, photographer, Ted Talker I started sailing from New Zealand and on... [more]
From a landscape to the Red Bull Illume winner image
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Lorenz Holder, Photographer, Red Bull Illume winner 2013 & 2016 The most important moment in my... [more]
Red Bull Illume Award Ceremony in Chicago – 28th September
Chicago, here we are! On September 28th, the winner of the world’s largest action and adventure sports photography competition will... [more]
Shades of love
Up in the Himalayan mountains, at an altitude of 2,500 to 5,000 meters, people are exposed to intense sunlight –... [more]
Anna-Linda our Love
We’ve heard that you’re fighting… that your spirit is leaving your body. We’ve heard that you’re in a hospital going... [more]
Our companies of tomorrow generate richness for our world..
We all feel that something is wrong in our society. We feel that we’re still in ‘consumer’ modus, and that... [more]
Chaos & Ordnung, an invitation to enter our joy in Vienna 17th-18th September.
How do you feel today ? Hearing all these news about earthquakes, crime, and war? We all believe we cannot influence... [more] Story Contest
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for offers each one of us to reflect on the beauty of... [more]
The most touching video with a Gorilla
This video of a Gorilla, recognizing his former waiter, years after being reintroduced in the jungle, is just a pure... [more]
Celine Van Till
We met in the Starbucks in Lausanne. Just behind the board, she said. I was looking around, saw this beautiful... [more]
Bea Johnson / zero waste in 5 steps
I just fell on this article, I wrote around Christmas time, and wanted to share it with you again, as... [more]
Dieter Broers
Right now, we feel very very blessed. Getting to know Dieter Broers closer has been a huge gift for us.... [more]
Love is the ultimate force of the universe
So beautiful! .. And true. Thank you to the unknown who posted this letter, from the ‘cells’ to us. “To... [more]
Prayer for Nice
…to transform the great suffering and fear that invaded the wonderful city of the Côte d’Azure yesterday during the symbolic... [more]
How wolves change rivers
This video of how wolves cange rivers is an eye-opener and a must be seen! It shows how the Yellowstone... [more]
Josh Daniel sings Jealouse
A love song. A song of the loss of a best friend. A song that says, I am jealouse that... [more]
Dive into the Connection Lausanne 23rd June!
Day-2 before a wonderful co-creation event! Dive deep into a universe where creativity, contribution, individuals, initiatives and companies meet to... [more]
Michael Franti & Spearheads – Good to be Alive Today
Check out this beautiful story of a soulrocker and his music! Transmitting in all our vaines what he has found!... [more]
We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For
Years ago, I understood what this prophecy of the Hopi Indians means. It is as actual as never before! ... [more]
Yaël Bruigom
Out of Switzerland. Sometimes, the people you have to partner up come to you. This is the case with Yaël.... [more]
Jonas Emery
Out of Switzerland. Wow, what a story. We’ve known Jonas through snowboarding, as he was one of the greatest ‘legendary’... [more] Connection Lausanne | 23 june | invitation
We are more and more people to wish a human-centered society focusing on the well-living together in harmony with our... [more]
Selina Schulz
Out of Switzerland. We were touched by her since ever, beautiful Selina Schulz, who puts into action her visions and... [more] Connection Lausanne, 23rd June | Let’s all do our part!
Today I’m in love, I’m in love with the world, I’m in love with the people, nature, all the gifts... [more]
Anna Maria Rugarli
For having worked more than 25 years in the board- action and outdoorsports industry, there weren’t SO many women in... [more]
Lancement ‘live’ de la plateforme web le 31 mai à Genève
Press release Tuesday 31st, May 2016, Uptown Geneva, 7.30 pm After two years of work and reflection,, a participative... [more]
Looking for 4 minutes in the eyes of someone
It’s so touching to see what happens, when you look 4 minutes, only 4 minutes in the eyes of a... [more]
Jonathan Normand
May we introduce to you ? To Jonathan Normand. A man with his heart on the right spot, constantly working for... [more]
Amina Toukabri
One day, we got mail. Amina, offering her services to We’ve already been in contact with her, as she’s... [more]
Enza Testa Haegi
What a woman ! She’s radiant, loving, calm, present, and an amazing business-woman ! Supporting causes, people, women she believes in, and... [more]
When the leopard Diabolo became Spirit
This is a hugely touching story about animal communication. An angry Panther who talked to A human. You might or... [more]
Mahouts Foundation
Habt ihr euch schon einmal mit einem Elefanten verbunden, ich meine, wirklich verbunden? Nun, ich habe es, und man vergisst... [more]
What is the biggest Gift you can offer someone ?
Please find herewith with much pride the spot we’ve created in collaboration with Swisscom for their ‘Offer Mindfulness’ Day, held... [more] & OPEN The Book for Somaly Mam & Solyna Foundation
The time has come to care for the one in front of us! To pull together, to care, to help... [more]
Valérie Penven
Out of France. She’s been a very close collaborator of OPEN Magazine since it’s beginning. She’s a hugely skilled writer,... [more]
Gregory Liechti
One day he called me up, asked me for a meeting, wanted to submit us his story! And when he... [more]
Sophie Grivel
We’ve known her since many many years. The wife of Jacques Grivel, Advisory Council, but only with we have... [more]
Ursina Haller
Out of Switzerland. What a lady ! Thanks to 7sky Magazine, we came across so many awesome people, and Ursina was... [more]
Camille Viennet
And one day, she was here, the social science student! Bright, enthusiastic, ready to offer us 3 month of her... [more]
Freeride Worldchamp Estelle Balet dies in an avalanche in the Wallis with her 21 years of age.
ESTELLE !!! Estelle, Estelle, Estelle, NO, not you, not so early… It cannot be ! Estelle, you’re such a fantastic young lady,... [more]
Inner Focus – A snowboarding Art Book
from 1998-2015, by Endo Tsutomu. A few years ago, we had the enormous pleasure to meeting the Japanese photographer Endo... [more]
Robin Finger
Isn’t it always magic the way we meet people? To meet Robin Finger, the man behind the success instagram-page @discoverearth... [more]
AnnaLynne McCord
She’s the beauty in person, inside and outside. Model and actor, playing in Beverly Hills, Les Experts, Le Transporteur (2),... [more]
Mike Horn
WOW! Mike Horn! What a beautiful being, full of vitality, inspiration in abundance! Wondering who in our world has lived... [more]
Joëlle Chautems
Out of Switzerland… She came to our house as a geo biologist and left as a friend. It was easy... [more]
Jack Fairgrieve
Out of Switzerland. This man is LIFE in person. We’ve met him many years ago thanks to our beautiful friend... [more]
Géraldine Fasnacht
Out of Switzerland. She’s an exquisite snowboarder, one of the best freerider ladies our world has known, several times world... [more]
Chris Wolf
Awesome Chris Wolf ! Since we got to know him, he was associated with causes that bring more joy and love... [more]
Cindy Schrepfer
The first time we got to know each other, was years and years ago, when Cindy presented us within her... [more]
Martin Latulippe à ShareIdeas ! Entrons dans l’action ! Devenons acteurs de notre vie.
Text: Coco Tâche-Berther & Myriam Bron For the first time in Switzerland, Canadian Martin Latulippe, Coach, speaker, author, motivator, potential... [more]
Born to Fly – Géraldine Fasnacht
“I am made to fly!” Géraldine is like that, veni vidi vici. Nothing is impossible to her, the only limits... [more]
Nicolas Falquet’s line between heaven and earth
He lives dangerously and crazily ever since. Many, many years ago, Nicolas and his bro Loris (also called Huck and... [more]
Wohooo, Discoverearth! A man, a page, a dream, no end in view! So grateful for this beautiful friendship with Robin... [more]
Aurélia Rentsch
Out of Switzerland. Aurélia, we love you ! Actually, I think that everybody who comes across this awesome lady, mom of... [more]
Myriam Bron
Out of Switzerland. The angel who fell from the sky when I most needed her. I’ve known Myriam through her... [more]
Marie Majkowiez
What a lady ! You might very well find her in the middle of the forest with her 5 wolf-dogs, and... [more]
Yves Vionnet – His story
Greg Long has offered me a life lesson…
He was one of my greatest encounters of the year 2014, maybe even the greatest. So significant it was for... [more]
Fiona Zanetti
Out of Switzerland… Fiona, Fiona, what a story. We’ve know her when she was 7 years old. This darkhaired beauty.... [more]
Max Piccinini – The Wow Moment
Ladies and gentlemen, do you want more? More love? More friends? Better relationships? More sport? More time off? A more... [more]
Gennady Tkachenko – Giorga got Talent
Absolutely crazy, beautiful, stunning! Music from another dimension. This video gives you goospimpels from the first to the last second. Gennady... [more]
Emmanuel Kelly sings Imagine
A video which shows what love is all about! Emmanuel Kelly just lets us speechless each time we watch and... [more]
Vincent Pignon
Out of Switzerland. He is the President of the Swiss Crowdfunding Association, the founder of an amazing and enthousiastic... [more]
Mahatma Ghandi
“BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THIS WORLD” Mahatma Gandhi, long before most of us were born, you... [more]
Today is a big day for Pat Burgener! In the Laax Open Halfpipe Contest, the man who was refused to... [more]
Gus Buckner
Born in America, living in Australia and considered to be a citizen of the world.. We’ve met Gus 13 years... [more]
bluesign technologies
The A-Z solution for sustainable production! bluesign is the system, that brings solutions of ‘clean production’ into the textile industry... [more]
Share Ideas
Two women, one project. Aurore Donné and Myriam Bron, two moms and businessladies with the impulsion of ‘more’, have found... [more]
Céline Luginbühl
Out of Switzerland… Céline, Céline. We’ve met 9 years ago, while I was looking for someone to take care of my... [more]
Text : Laurent Perraud / Image : Avaaz Avaaz is the campaigning community bringing people-powered politics to decision making... [more]
PICTURE Organic Clothing
If you don’t know Picture yet by any chance, we’re more than happy to present them to you. It is... [more]
The Questions We Ask
Text : Christine Waeber / Image : Bruce Kirby The whole life is based on questions and decisions, a... [more]
Revolution, Save the Humans
Text : Leandro Tillmann / Image : Revolution If not now, when? A movie about our world, our nature,... [more]
Joebaby Noonan
Joebaby! What a man! What a life-lesson! So much love and humbleness, so many riches! If you want to get... [more]
The Wonder Paul Potts
Each time I watch this video of Paul Potts in Britain got Talents I get goospimpels. It is a complete breath... [more] Dreamteam
Our Dreamteam and Advisory Council Many people of our Advisory Council and Dreamteam have greatly accompanied us during our last... [more]
Yvonne Waldraff
Out of Switzerland… Wow, wow, wow, Yvonne Waldraff is not only an absolute sweetheart, she’s definitely one of the most... [more] in Bimini – letter of gratitude
This platform is about sharing our deepest love, our deepest feelings… let all of us become part of the beauty... [more]
“Vera”- mother of all sloths, biologist
Text : Chris Bachmann I spend a lot of time in the remains of the costal rainforest – the... [more]
Patrick Tharin
Patrick Tharin is one of the greatest Wings we’ve come across with our magazine. From the beginning, he saw further... [more]
Marcio Dias
We’ve met the former brasilian pro-surfer years ago in Zurich, where we got charmed by all his undertakings he did... [more] Resolutions Ideas 2016
Dearest Friends and Partners, beautiful humans out there! For these celebration days of this end of 2015, let’s all reflect... [more]
One of these magical encounters entering your life in coincidental circumstances, only for you to notice that you were meant... [more]
Arnaud Cottet
Out of Switzerland. When we started to notice that much went down with the boardriding industry in terms of sales,... [more]
Kelly Slater’s Wavepool
The king of the kings in surfing, 11 times world champ, the founder of the sustainible brand Outerwear, owner of... [more]
Pat Burgener
I think it’s interesting to keep the ancient presentation of Pat from March 2014 (underneath) as well, this extraordinary 21... [more]
Sacha Décosterd
You want to meet this super humble karateka-champion! In the age of 19, he got already world-champ in the discipline... [more]
Plastiki by David de Rothschild
Text: Christine Waeber The man who believes in the power of collaboration, storytelling and adventure to drive social and environmental... [more]
Lorene Carpentier
Out of France.. She is the CEO of this huge movement ‘Keep a Breast’ and travels the world in order... [more]
David Badalec
Out of Germany. When we first met, David was the head of the actionsports halls at ISPO, Munich, the greatest... [more]
Daniel Bühler
Out of Switzerland. He was there at Burton, when we started with 7sky, he’s still in the industry 25... [more]
Jean-Claude Würmli
When we first met, Jean-Claude Würmli was marketing manager at PET Recycling Suisse. Today, he’s the CEO of this amazing... [more]
Annina Campell
She is the most beautiful, catchy, radiant speaker we know. It is just not possible to not fall into love... [more]
Daniela Meyer
Daniela Meyer was longtime the beautiful and all managing good spirit of a whole boardriding movement in Saas-Fee. She managed... [more]
Rachel Lepage
Suddenly, we sat next to this young woman in a restaurant during the Xtreme Verbier, while she was working as... [more]
Wowwowwow… what a lady! I’d like to call her the incarnation of joy, already with her 25 years in her... [more]
Cradle to Cradle
Text : Coco Tache / Image : Cradle to Cradle The aim of Cradle to Cradle is to produce... [more]
Fair Wear
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : Fair Wear Fair Wear is the label all companies aware of the... [more]
The True Cost Movie
Where do our clothes come from? Have you ever deeply and truly asked yourself this question? How much sweat lies... [more]
Thierry Peuchot
Out of Switzerland… Juhuuuu Thierry, yogateacher, marketing manager of Skullcandy Europe, beautiful soul, super to work with. He has entered... [more]
Gian-Luca Cavigelli
He’s the husband of our wonderful soulmate Manuela, but he also is a very unique man with a very unique... [more]
Anna Linda Hultström
Out of Sweden… We’ve known Anna Linda since 13 years, when she was the contest supervisor of Terje Haakonsens Arctic... [more]
Christian Struchen
Out of Switzerland, Weve known him since ages. The ostheopathe and veterinary Christian, who reveled in us a long time... [more]
Ashlee Beenis
Out of Japan and England, living in Switzerland… Wow, meeting Ashlee was a big revelation for us! Five years ago,... [more]
James Redfield
Who hasn’t read James Redfields books or watched his film Celestines Prophecy? For many people, James books have been great... [more]
Catherine Guillot
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther Out of Switzerland… I’ve met Jai through our Kundalini teacher Course, and for 4 years, whe... [more]
Christiane Bilat
Out of Switzerland… the first time we came into the taste of her generosity and beauty was while presenting her... [more]
Roger Grolimund
Out of Switzerland… 12 years ago, he started together with Ernesto Schneider his great project ‘Schtifti’, a Swiss foundation with... [more]
Nadège Alloati
Out of Switzerland, living in France… We’ve met her the first time while she was still working at Roxy in... [more]
Claudio Alessi
Out of Switzerland… We’ve met him thanks to Sebastien Zuretti and his mom Catherine. The Samourai, several time martial art... [more]
Sebastien Zuretti
Out of Switzerland… Since birth, Sebastien is tetraplegic, and developed this wonderful sensibility in seeing further than the ‘seen’. When... [more]
Marine La Caze
Out of France… We’ve met her three years ago in Verbier, while she was working as a receptionist in the hotel... [more]
Fernando Aguerre
Out of America… He was the one who made us realize and see, 18 years ago, that there were... [more]
Simon Hofmann
Out of Switzerland… Simon Hofmann, a friend of 7sky since day one, giving us wings, trust and help for us to... [more]
Amanda Grogg
Out of Switzerland… We’ve got to know her thanks to a Kundalini Yoga teacher training and we very rapidly recognized... [more]
Patricia Bechaalany
Out of Switzerland…, She might very well be the person who has opened us to the greatest magic, the most... [more]
Edwin Faeh
Out of Switzerland…, he is a wonderful human ‘entrepreneur’, a yogi and wise man! He puts his heart and soul... [more]
Jacques Grivel
Out of Switzerland… When you meet Jacques, you meet in first line a young boy with wide open eyes on... [more]
Sebastian Fazan
Out of Switzerland… In times we had no clue what meditating was about, he taught us about it. He has... [more]
Natalie Arn
Out of Switzerland… Since almost 20 years, Natalie follows our path from close and far. She’s this wonderful being, a... [more]
Pauline Burgener
Out of Switzerland… We’ve met her through her young son and prodigy Pat Burgener. She’s the mother each child might... [more]
Petar Mitrovic
Out of Ex-Yougoslavie, he has lived one of the hardest lives as a child we can all probably imagine, and... [more]
Robin Finger
Already as a kid, he wanted to be Indiana Jones! The 21-year-old youngster hailing from Geneva almost reached his goal,... [more]
Jesse Billauer
Once a upon a time, we heard the story of this wonderful prodigy man who sat in a wheel-chair! It... [more]
Yves Vionnet
12 years ago, Yves broke his 6th vertebra at a snowboard accident and is since then paraplegic. But against all... [more]
Frederik Kalbermatten
Out of Switzerland. He’s the Style-Master, DJ and the man behind Atreebutes clothing. He is the calmest guy you can... [more]
Gigi Rüf
The happy Gigi. Since we first met this super talented snowboarder, he has conquered our hearts. He’s super mellow, an... [more]
Drew Tabke
Drew is the flow in person! Hard to imagine? Imagine a river, going down it’s path through mountains, landscapes, valleys,... [more]
Ralph Backström
He was the well deserved Freeride Worldtour Champ in 2013, and this man, who has lived one of the... [more]
Julien Lopez
Out of France. He’s one of the most touching freeriders. His questions about life are greater than the answers he... [more]
Samuel Anthamatten
When you first meet him, you might very well think that you have in front of you a very shy... [more]
Margot Rozies
She’s a super skilled snowboarder, freestyler, Freeride Worldtour Rider, a rebel and a dream-manifester! She lives the life she has... [more]
Max Buri
Out of Switzerland. This young snowboarder and sunny boy with his long hair and his clear vision was an inspiration... [more]
Mike Le Blanc
Snowboard legend, Holden clothing, zen-master, buddhist and living in a bus. Mike is all that, totally on the path of... [more]
Reto Kestenholz
He’s the most authentic ‘green’ rider we know. He cares about every step he takes for the environment. He cuts... [more]
Sten Smola
He had founded the organization ‘Ride Greener’, aiming to bring more consciousness for mother nature into the people’s minds. His... [more]
Lolo Besse
Out of France, living in England. He’s a snowboard-legend, a traveler, a tall man with dreads, a judge for the... [more]
Martin Winkler
He’s a fantastic skier, traveler, singer, former Freeride World tour rider, judge and event-organizer. But much more than this, he... [more]
Nicolas Vaudroz
He is painter, fully conscious and a talented snowboarder, a father and a life artist. His entire life is a... [more]
Alex Coudray
After his snowboarding career as a freerider, Alex merged into energy work. He sees and lives the magic in life,... [more]
Emilien Badoux
Emilien has been on the path of spirituality since we knew him, which means, almost some 18 years ago .... [more]
Tanja Frieden
Olympic Gold medalist in boardercross, coach, motivational speaker. She’s definitely one of the most inspiring ladies out there and... [more]
Somaly Mam
She doesn’t know her age, nor her true name. Sold at a very young age, Somaly Mam lived the life... [more]
Tim Aline Rebeaud
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved She’s the lady behind ‘Maison Chance’ and her story brings... [more]
Xavier de le Rue
He is a freeride legend and former boardercrosser, aiming for the highest in life. Filming opens him a door in... [more]
Dave Rastovich
Dave’s a great surfer and an ‘aware’ man. His mission is saving the cetaceans all around the planet and bringing... [more]
Xavier Rudd
His music is gold to our ears – the songs and the message he gives further resonate within each cell... [more]
Steve Klassen
Out of America. Steve is a freeride legend, owner of the biggest and largest shop ‘Waverave’ in Mammouth Mountain, he... [more]
Chris Bachmann
Chris is a speaker, world-enhancer and Suddenrush Guarana Shot owner. All he does in his life, NEXT to his career... [more]
Oakley White-Allen
He‘s an american freerider, a life-lover and spiritual person. A man totally connected with Mother Nature and the beauty surrounding... [more]
Nadja Purtschert
Nadja is the kindest person in the world, a great rider, a beautiful person, modest and humble. Nature is her... [more]
Alice Wieser
You might have an idea of purity. Well, meet Alice, and you’ll know what we’re talking about. With her 18... [more]
Luke Mitrani
He’s a snowboarder and an instant magician! All his life Luke has been dedicated to his passion, until an accident... [more]
Roy Brönnimann
We’ve known him since a while, this super sensitive and loving swiss snowboarder, who isn’t scared to talk about love... [more]
Nicolas Müller
Nicolas is a swiss snowboarder, a lover of life and a style-master. Elected several times snowboarder of the year, he... [more]
Nassim Guammaz
Nassim is a super-skilled skateboarder out of the Netherlands. He has a wonderful vision of life. His authenticity, his curiosity,... [more]
Valeria Kechichian
Wohoooo, Valeria, our sweet love Valeria, originally from Argentina, lived for 16 years in Madrid and just moved to Lyon!... [more]
Out of Switzerland… I’ve met her 10 years ago in a period, when my energy was super low and the light... [more]
Tiboo Fehlmann
Out of Switzerland… Tiboo entered my life when I needed her most and she has brought me so many answers that helped me... [more]
Virginie Bernard
Out of Switzerland… In a time, when I was longing for a deeper understanding of horses, my path lead me to... [more]
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved Out of Australia… She is a channel for ascended masters.... [more]
Iker Aguirre
Out of France and Spain… We’ve always loved that man, who opened his heart every time we met. He always... [more]
Benny Tâche
Out of Switzerland… Well, he’s my husband, and this since 27 years! Together, we’ve launched 7sky, and our coming together... [more]
Jil Karl
Out of Switzerland.. She had won a great photo competition we organized many years ago, and her prize was a... [more]
Olivia Mosimann
Out of Switzerland… Well, it was her who came the day after I had openly wished for an ‘intern’… We’ve... [more]
Catherine Dalle
Out of Switzerland… Catherine is the mom of Sebastien (Godparent) and she has gone through much in her life. She... [more]
Isabelle Seydoux
Out of Switzerland… She’s been this very close great friend since ever, this outstanding mom with her 3 wonderful daughters,... [more]
Jano! Wow, Jano! How many people has he helped, healed? The first time we met, was in France at the... [more]
Gregory Tâche
Out of Switzerland… Well, he’s the younger son, a person, so close to himself, that he inspires us daily! His... [more]
Mike Ammann
Out of Switzerland… Who is Mike? He is a hugely sensitive person, who just came to us in the right... [more]
Jenay Loetscher
Out of Switzerland… She was sent to us by a dear friend, just finishing her graphic-design studies, but we didn’t... [more]
Stéphanie Etienne
Switzerland… Stéphanie came to us about to finish her last year as a graphic designer apprentiship. She elsethen made her... [more]
Sacha Voeffray
Out of Switzerland… He’s the best friend of our sons since he’s 7, Sacha had his toll on us for... [more]
Marc-Antoine Burgener
Out of Switzerland… Brother and manager of Pat Burgener. When we first met this nicely dressed and handsome 21 year... [more]
Sophie Ruch
Out of Switzerland… When she entered our lives, she was 12 years old. And why has she entered? Well, for... [more]
Joel Eschbach
Out of Switzerland… this young man, in his 19th, just one day entered our company as an intern, with his... [more]
Sanja Vidakovic
Out of Switzerland… We’ve met her the first time in Verbier, when we hold the Surfers on Snow Camp, with... [more]
Thomas Hunziker
Out of Switzerland… He’s a medium and life-coach, and he was brought to us by Cucci, just the day before... [more]
Tosca Waeber
Out of Switzerland… She’s the daughter of the our very beloved inspirations and friends Christine and Peter Waeber, and a... [more]
Bettina Steffen
Out of Switzerland. We met her at a Women in Boardsports Meeting, the massage therapist and the lady who has... [more]
Bruno Poirier
Bruno Poirier, out of Canada, living in Switzerland… He’s a Creativity & Transformation Activist, inspirational speaker, publisher of several books... [more]
Michael Brooke
Out of Canada… He’s the man behind Longboarding for Peace and publisher of the longboard magazine Concrete Wave Magazine since... [more]
Leandro Tillmann
Out of Switzerland… He came to us as a nanny when he was a 15 year old young boy, 1... [more]
Simone Margot
Out of Switzerland… She came to us as a 17 year old nanny, the first one, with her red dreads,... [more]
Peter Waeber
Peter Waeber, out of Switzerland… He’s one of our greatest heroes out there, total down to earth, investing all his... [more]
Manuela Cavigelli
Out of Switzerland… She came to us as a 17 year old nanny, did her apprentiship in 7sky and accompanied... [more]
Christine Waeber
Out of Switzerland… She is this total humble and beautiful person with the greatest hug you can imagine. She is... [more]
Aurélien Ducroz
Aurélien Ducroz, Freeride Worldchamp in 2009, out of France was long time on the Freeride Worldtour, until he left a... [more]
Marie-France Roy
Out of Canada. We know her originally through her extraordinary riding, beeing one of the only female snowboarders to get... [more]
Keri Gonzato
Out of Switzerland… She contacted us one day, deeply touched by the profoundness of the stories 7sky was talking about... [more]
Laurent Perraud
Out of France… He is a former pro rider and actual businessman, working in the cartable industry and president of... [more]
Zana Delihasani
Out of Switzerland… She made her entrance in our lives many years ago at a party, where she stated that... [more]
Raphael Wernli
Out of Switzerland… He came to us as a nanny and as a 16 year old boy, with no concrete... [more]
Sina Beeler
Out of Switzerland… She came to us as a 17 year old nanny and stayed for 1 ½ years, before... [more]
Lyvianne Moret
Out of Switzerland… she came to us as a 9 year old girl, with this beautiful longing to ride such... [more]
Johannes Czwalina
He came to us through our Advisory Council Simon Hofmann. What a man, what an approach to life, what a... [more]
Max Piccinini
What an amazing gift to meet a person who sees bigger than you. Who has absolutely no limits in visualizing... [more]
Sonia Birrer
Out of Switzerland… A woman, a sunshine, awareness in a person. Following her dream into discovering who she really is.... [more]
Nicole Steffen
Out of Switzerland… She has been our greatest friend since 25 years, an outstanding creator of her reality, a wonderful... [more]
Ride for Shift video | de
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved No, isn’t born in one night, it has... [more]
The Big Blue
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved The Big Blue, a film from Luc Besson, with... [more]
Lilian Durey
Out of France… Dancer, yogi, recycling specialist! Lilian Durey has found his path, following the voice of his heart with... [more]
Coming Home
Wow! What a theme, and how nicely it has been brought to us from Edeka. It definitely is a reminder... [more]
Stéphane Schlup
Out of Switzerland… Since we started to send out our some more ‘spiritual’ messages to our friends and partners, Stéphane... [more]
Andrea Marbach
Out of Switzerland.. She came to us as a 16 year old nanny, and also did the apprentiship at 7sky.... [more]
Morgan Maassen
Text : Tosca Waeber / Image : Morgan Maassen A Person. A photographer. A person I never met personally.... [more]
Red Bull Illume Image Quest
Text: Red Bull Illume Now in its 4th edition, Red Bull Illume Image Quest will once again showcase the most... [more]
A Skier Knows
Text: Coco Tâche-Berther We just love the creativity and the emotion of films done differently than the normal action we... [more]
Sustainibility Blog
How do I live sustainably? How do I deal responsibly with digital media? In our corporate responsibility blog in German and... [more]
Discover the stories on Switzerland ‘s digital potential. Let yourself be inspired by stories close to the people. Read the “Storys”... [more]
Henrik Ekelund
Sometimes in your life you meet people who highly, highly inspire you. People, you meet for a first time, and... [more]
hemp eyewear
Text: Gizmodo / Image: hemp These sunglasses may make you look good, but they could make the planet look better,... [more]
There are not so many moments in life when you are so deeply touched by a person and a cause... [more]
Tekoe is a an amazing teacompany based in Switzerland, since 2002. Behind it stands Valerie & Pierre Peyre, working for... [more]
Entering Maison Chance in Ho Chi Mingh was one of the most touchy moments I’ve lived in my life. A... [more]
Matthieu Ricard
What a privilege to be a journalist! Three of us were welcome last autumn by Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk, author... [more]
Joseph Bechaalany
Since many years, Joseph has been a close and true friend in our lives. Joseph is an excellent lawyer, works... [more]
Greg Long
When we first crossed his path in France, something striked us straight away! This glance, this inner beauty and radiance... [more]
Ode to Simplicity
Text : Andrew Strode / Image : Manu Grafenauer This short documentary portrays Andrew Strode, a carpenter/artist/shaper from Cape... [more]
Today Is Perfect
Submitted by the team Surfing kept Jordy off the streets and he has never forgotten his roots. Now... [more]
Quincy Symonds
Text: Scott Gamble, Executive Producer ABC Open A small surfer makes big waves At six, Quincy Symonds is already tipped... [more]
LNUP Comrades
Text : LNUP is a commune of dedicated comrades brought together through love for the ocean, nature and... [more]
Adventure Photographer Krystle Wright
Text : Canon / Image : Krystle Wright “My biggest fear is regret. So I follow my curiosity to the... [more]
Text : Katy Doherty “WEILDED IN THE BLAZING FIRES OF HELL my soul emerged PURGED, CLEANSED and STRONGER; Ready... [more]
A men, an organ and a silent movie theater
Old Town Music Hall has been screening both vintage silent and sound films since 1967. Bill Field, the theaters owner,... [more]
Still swell at 85
Text: The nickname Magoo conjures up images of a well- intentioned but incapable character bumbling through life’s daily... [more]
Text: Christine Waeber “Trust is the relationship to the unknown. It is the invisible hands we stretch out in... [more]
Text: Kathrin Schiller / Images:Replay ECO WARRIORS FOR L.I.F.E. To be an Eco-Warrior for L.I.F.E. is to be a... [more]
be.e | van.eko
Text : Gizmodo / Image : van.eko This sweet little electric scooter hits 30mph in seven seconds, has a 50 mile range... [more]
Carmela Fougsted
When we first met, she was this young woman with with her beautiful sparkling eyes and her great vision of... [more]
Pro Infirmis Get closer
Text : Pro Infirmis Pro Infirmis conducts an experiment: There are only a few people who dont have empathy... [more]
Coalatree Organics
Text & Image : Coalatree Our Mission: To inspire a movement that will help people recognize the importance of living... [more]
Dolores Cannon
Text : Jeff Roberts / Collective Evolution Dolores Cannon’s career has spanned over 4 decades, during which she has... [more]
Text & Image : KUYICHI The Earth is our home and its inhabitants are our neighbors. Together we share the responsibility... [more]
Eliah Cand
We have met Eliah for the first time thanks to the Ride for Shift Video, this beautiful young man from... [more]
Out of nothing it was desert…. point.
Text & Image : Moritz Liebl LNUP is a komune of dedicated comrades brought together through love for the... [more]
Text & Image : Sambazon THE SAMBAZON SUPERFOOD STORY As surfers growing up in Southern California, we were raised to... [more]
Non-Violence Project
Text : Leslye Non-Violence Project is a non-profit organization promoting social change through education. Our mission is to help... [more]
Photography as Poetry
Text & Image : Benedikt Steiner For me, my photography is a way to be aware of the world’s... [more]
Sigur Rós – Valtari
Text : Christine Waeber Dance is the hidden language of the soul Sometimes , I just wanna dance… It’s... [more]
The Little Things
Gummi Love
Text : GummiLove We believe in you and in your right to live your sexuality as healthy, passionate, normalized... [more]
Keep a Breast Foundation™
Text : Keep A Breast Foundation™ The Keep A Breast Foundation™ is the leading youth-focused, global, nonprofit breast cancer organization. Our... [more]
Manta Watch
Text : Manta Watch Our vision is more effective research, management and conservation of manta rays. We promote awareness,... [more]
Tom Chambers
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : Tom Chambers The www has opened us so many doors. Doors to... [more]
Number One Boards & Bikes
Text: Coco Tâche-Berther / Image: Michael Brooke An invitation to follow an inspiring example… Number One is a Skate and... [more]
Wax Buddy
Text & Image : Waxbuddy The Wax Buddy is a wax comb created by surfers, for surfers. Made with... [more]
Chime for Change
Text : Cécile Luisier / Image : Chime for Change “Chime for Change”, founded by Gucci, is a new... [more]
Give Jeans a Chance
Text: Cécile Luisier / Image: Volcom Spring is back and you do not know what to do with your... [more]
Tofua island
Texte : Ismael Tlili / Picture : Xavier Rosset – 7sky Magazine «Alone and remote, you learn to anchor... [more]
JP Auclair
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther A freeski legend, Armada Ski Co-founder, Alpine Initiative Co-founder, father to be, community manager! Now,... [more]
Surfer for Cetaceans
Text : Keri Gonzato / Image : Surfer for Cetaceans What is S4C ? S4C is a movement born out of... [more]
Occupy Love
Text : Keri Gonzato / Image : Occupy Love Occupy Love is a feature documentary that explores the rise of... [more]
Anthony Tâche
Out of Switzerland.. Well, as a mom, it is not so easy talk about her son, but still, it is... [more]
Ismael Tlili
Out of Switzerland… When he first entered the office as a young 18 year old man, just stepping out of... [more]
Caroline Calzetta
Text: Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved Out of Switzerland… She also came to us through our horse... [more]
Frédéric Gillon
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image: All rights reserved .. out of Switzerland. He’s this truly shy person, who only... [more]
Crop Circles
It was on a train from Lausanne to Zurich, in 2009, when for the first time, I ‘entered’ the photos... [more]
Water Drops
Until watching the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? I did not have a clue of the influence water had on... [more]
